Howard Steed from Simplot and two of the three sisters that own Huey's , showing off some delicious Idaho fries! The team with Mr. Garibaldi himself!! Saturday afternoon, while transitioning between events, the trio spotted a very..unique..opportunity. The marching band of Lewisburg High School was putting on a local car wash to raise money for their band. The truck was rather filthy and needed a good scrub down. What better way to make sure the students were working for their money? 🙂 Getting the idea approved by the team of course, Paul pulled the truck in to get a sparkling shine! It’s safe to say the Lewisburg marching band earned a special place in the hearts of the tater team. The group pulled into the parking lot of their next event with a truck shining like the sun!
Scrub, scrub, scrub!! Lewisburg marching band Making that baby shine! Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my! Sunday afternoon was spent exploring one of the highest ranked zoo’s in the country, Memphis Zoo! The team gawked and laughed at the various exotic animals that filled the zoo. With another relaxing day come and gone, the Famous Idaho Potato Tour is ready to take on St. Louis. The only question that remains is simple; are they ready?