It’s getting time for the new Tater Team to head back out on the road. It has been a really long snow blanketed winter and we finally got the Big Idaho Potato thawed out. We are finishing up our paperwork, checking our permits, making sure our ducks are lined up all in a row. As a truck driver I can honestly say, this is not the fun part. The loading up of our gear is tedious. The saying our last goodbye to family is sad…ish. These parts aren’t why we do this though. The reason we trek across the country isn’t only about Potatoes either. It’s true that Potatoes are one of the most important parts, but it would be wrong to say this is why we go. We also don’t only head out on the road to put our charity, A Big Helping, to work. A big Helping is a wonderful part of the whole program and besides school visits, charity stops are the most rewarding. It just isn’t the main reason we go. The main reason we go…is “YOU.”

That’s right, you-our fans. The best part of the tour, something which happens each and every day, is we get to visit with our fans. The many waving hands, the awesome joyful smiles, and the often half turned stares. Seeing you, our fan base, is what makes this all worth while. You all bring the energy that makes this whole tour seem magical. It is the energy that helps us bring our rolling Island of Happiness aka our Spudtacular attraction of fun aka the Big Idaho Potato, to life. We can’t wait to see you and hope we all get great weather for our visit. Enough of the snow, enough of the rain, bring on the sunshine. If the sun doesn’t shine however, don’t feel bad for us. We still have the shining smiles of you, our fans.