Team Building Exercise
The Tater Team doesn’t always get to have more than one day off in a row. When they do, they try to make the best of it. Often times that means we make a fun humorous video. (Well…Larry thinks they’re humorous.) This time however we decided to embark upon a different kind of work related task, Team Bonding. What better way to bond as a team than to fly off somewhere and spend a couple days in Miami? The Tater Twins and I have been suffering through this seemingly never ending winter, much like the rest of you. Even Houston Texas had some cold weather for us the week before. We each looked into our savings accounts and scrounged up enough for the cheap round trip to Miami and took off for warmer weather. Beach days awaited us there and we spent one night out dancing. There is no better bond than dancing with coworkers, in front of strangers. The team also explored a bit of Miami together, seeing the sights and practicing their Español. The trip was also used to reinforce the belief that somewhere in all of our futures, there are warmer days.

While the Tater Team was away, the #Bigidahopotato was chilling in Houston at our favorite Kroger grocery store at 1440 Studemont St. Kroger has been really good to us over the last two years, not only allowing us to park our Spud Truck, but also donating over a pallet of potatoes for last years Houston Children’s Festival. We certainly owe them a debt of gratitude, but also liked keeping our wonderful Spud there because it meant many days of grocery shopping. The #Bigidahopotato had a steady stream of guests while we were away, because Kroger found us a really nice spot out front near a McDonald’s and Kroger’s own Fuel Center. The Spud don’t play when the Team is a way…it’s a working fool. 🙂
∀Γτ €áℜ = Parade = ♠⊆⊇♠

Houston is known for a great many things but perhaps one of the best is it’s Art. Take those artists then and task them with making that art movable, in fact drivable and you get this festivity of fabulous fun. You might think that this event is just a one time thing but in fact it isn’t. It starts a few days earlier in the week with an Out of Towner’s Dinner. It’s kind of a way to encourage people to come early enough for the second part which is named the Main Street Drag. The main Street Drag is actually an event that takes a sampling of the parade vehicles, breaks them up into four groups and sends them around to Houston’s Schools.
They even get their own Police escort. The children are allowed out of class and given quite a show as they get to inspect that sampling of such intricate art as found on so many of the entries. The #Bigidahopotato was invited to join and our very own #Larbear got to do his very first TV interview on top of the Big Idaho Spud, while entertaining the students with his awesome acrobatic dance skills. Sometimes it takes those childish antics of his to lure out the Media.
The Third part of the Houston Art Car Parade is the Sneak Peak, held at Discovery Green. Another select group of vehicles gets to be positioned all around and inside the green. Visitors are invited to come check out some of the better artistic (and incredible feat’s of engineering,) that the Parade offers. From one entry named The Reign of Prince, to Idaho’s very own #Bigidahopotato, visitors get to inspect and photo the art. The Tater Team stood by answering questions, keeping hungrier people at bay, and talked about Idaho and it’s Potatoes. The Sneak Peak even had live bands, food, and as it was held in the evening, Art that was lit up.
The next night wasn’t Parade time yet, but rather Houston’s version of Burning man. Envision if you will Mermaids swimming in a central pond, entertainers floating on small platforms juggling fire, women with lighted hula-hoops spaced out with precision and a live band. Surround all of that with food, drinks, and complete it with an all out costume party. It was a night of Dancing, lined also with Art Car entries again. The #TaterTwins and #Larbear donned their cowboy gear and joined in the fun.
After the Houston Art Car Ball, it was time for the Art Car Parade. There were over 250 entries into this 31st annual event. The Parade route went up and back down Allen Parkway with a short leg into the Down Town area itself. The #BigIdahoPotato was number 244, thus got to be seen twice as it in fact toured the whole of the route twice. We tried to keep folks from eating it as we went by but it was to no avail…as they ate it all up. (Good thing there’s a new one in the works, right?)
Parades are a fan favorite of #Larbear and this is his favorite. #Larbear loves art and when you see what people can do with transportation you wonder why we all sometimes walk up to the wrong car. Cars often look so bland too, especially these days. Gone are the Trans Ams and Chevy Bel Air of yesterday. Now we have cars shaped like a box. Seeing the many creative vehicles in this Parade is like finally breathing fresh air for the first time in decades. There are way too many to list and of course Larry’s favorite one was Idaho entry from Chris and Sharolyn Schofield. (Aka the Big Idaho Potato) The weather was nice, not too hot and not too cold. The Art was fantastic and the TaterTwins and Spuddy Buddy were interviewed while we went past the main media stage. The reporter jumped up with them and rode along. #Larbear was riding up front and had no idea what was asked. (What, you don’t write about yourself in third person?)
All in all Houston Texas was a blast. Even if the #TaterTeam did sneak off to Miami, we loved it here in Houston. The Art Car Parade was a blast and should have been on everyones list as the event to visit. We hope we get to do this again, so maybe there’s still hope for those of you who missed it. Now as the weather hints at warming up, the #TaterTeam is gearing up for next week. What’s next week you’re wondering? You’ll just have to tune in to find out, but hurry…it’s gonna go fast!!! Varoom!!!