“Tater-ly Awesome.”

7,000 years

The time it would take this tater to grow

4 tons

Equivalent to 21,562 medium-sized potatoes

20,217 servings

That’s a lot of mashed potatoes. Pass the gravy!

1,000,000+ fries

This tater would make over a million french fries

The Tater Team

The Tater Team is mashing up the road and bringing the Big Idaho Potato to the country!

A Big Helping

Idaho® potatoes supporting local causes nationwide

Upcoming Events

View our full tour schedule to see when we are coming to a city near you!

Next Stop:

Fathers Day Kickoff To BBQ Season -- Highland Park, IL


Explore our vast collection of recipes. From classics to fun, new ideas there’s something for everyone.

The Truck

Want to know more of how this amazing truck was created, check out this info!

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