Home is very much a relative term for us these days. When I catch myself saying “After this event we are going home” I often mean to the local Holiday Inn where you can usually find the team outside. No its not the traditional sense of home but it works well for us.
I have the opportunity to go back to my home, at least where my parents currently live, outside of Tacoma, Washington about a week and a half ago. It was a homecoming, not for me but for my twin brother who was returning from Africa after six months there. It was a great cause for celebration and we are were very happy he was home! During my trip home, we went up to the University of Washington to watch the Huskies play our alma mater Boise State.
Before the game, myself and my brother, along with 15 of our closest friends from Boise ascended on the sea of Husky tailgaters in the lots surrounding the stadium. The number one thing I heard outside of “Broncos Suck!” was something regarding Idaho Potatoes. These people had no idea what pandora’s box they were opening by mentioning that to me. Of course being part of the Tater Team I was going to reinforce the notion that Idaho truly has the best potatoes in the entire world! Although for those hours we were bitter rivals, a random thing connected us, Idaho Potatoes. Of course, I carried extra postcards with me and the Husky fans could NOT believe their eyes! Every person I talked to about Idaho Potatoes (which seemed to be quite a few) wanted to see the truck. They were as disappointed that the truck wasn’t there as I was with the outcome of the football game.
Despite losing (and I mean LOSING!) the football game, it was very cool to understand that Idaho Potatoes truly is one of the most recognizable brands anywhere in this country, with or without the World’s Largest Idaho Potato on a truck with me!