Our week started with one of my favorite types of events. Tom Copper from IWC in Cookeville TN, invited us to tour the facility and showcase our Big Idaho Potato Truck to the local schools. We were visited by around 500 students, all of whom were full of energy, enthusiasm, and smiles. The Tater Team was then invited to enjoy a meal of Tennessee’s finest at Praters BBQ, in Manchester. I think Manchester is a very fortunate community, to have such awesome food.
Our voyage then took us down through Louisiana and west into Texas. Houston was our goal, for the world famous Art Car Parade. The event kicks off with a police escorted smaller parade, which visited several local schools. The next portion was the Sneak Peak event, held in Discovery Green. Art cars line the road in front of the park while a live band plays. This was a chance for people to get a closer look at many of the participants and maybe meet the artists.
Finally on Saturday, came the main event, the 2014 Art Car Parade. This Parade was filled with moving contraptions of all sorts and sizes. On display was an assortment of vehicles ranging from our Big Idaho Potato, to a lineup of inner tubes on a tow line. This included a wide range of artistic talent on mobile display. Seeing these in motion was almost as fun as seeing the over 300,000 people who lined the route. You’d be hard pressed to pick your favorite entry and everyone seemed to be enjoying the show. The weather, despite it’s various threats otherwise, cooperated with a cool breeze and mild temperatures, making this an awesome event to have had the pleasure to be a part of. This whole week, from our visit to IWC and Cookeville to the Art Car Parade, was certainly a blast.
Thanks to everyone for showing us such a great time.
Larry the Truck Driver