Just like our ancestors from across the pond once set out for new lands and new opportunities, so did the Tater Team begin our week in the same fashion. Further parallels between the journeys included trials and tribulations as our vessel navigated restricted routes and perilous roads. The main difference, however, was that our vessel is not a ship but a potato. But of course you already knew that.
What better way to celebrate our Irish brethren then to bring to them the most precious staple in their daily diet, especially when it was the sudden disappearance of this staple that brought so many of them to the United States. Needless to say, this was a joyous occasion. The Big Idaho Potato was a huge hit at the 28th Annual Irish Festival at Chicago Gaelic Park (I know I know it always is) and everyone was excited to tell us, “We only eat Idaho potatoes!” And on top of sharing the fact that they have impeccable taste, many of them claimed to eat 15 pounds of potatoes a week. In my opinion, they were all perfect candidates to represent the health benefits of Idaho potatoes.
The festival was crawling with people as everyone came out to enjoy the beautiful weather and the kick off of summer for Memorial Day Weekend. There were stages with live music everywhere, food and drink, free rides and various events staged throughout the venues. We were lucky enough to be stationed right outside one of the main stages so we were constantly being serenaded with traditional Gaelic music. People stopped by to test their Irish luck by spinning our prize wheel taking home some of our first class goodies. We also had fans read a custom Irish limerick in their best Irish accent for a chance to win a big prize package. Be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page for the highlight real from those ‘bad Irish’ readings.