laura with a huge bucket of fries

laura with a huge bucket of fries

We made it home!! As much as we love touring we do miss being away from Idahome for 5 months at a time. Boy does it feel good to be back visiting family and friends. Someone who we get to talk to regularly but rarely see while we are gone is our tour manager Laura Martin. Now I was already intending on dedicating this post to her when I learned that it is also her Birthday this week!

If you have requested a truck appearance you have probably had the pleasure of working with Laura. She works at a marketing firm in Boise, Idaho who came up with this crazy idea of a 6 ton potato tour. The Idaho Potato Commission is just one of her many clients but you’d never know it by the time and attention she gives to all of us. Laura has one of those rare personalities that you feel like you made a best friend within minutes of meeting her. I haven’t told her this before but after my first interview two years ago I was talking to my mom about how it went and I told her I want the job just to be able to work with this lady!

Since I am the only female on tour people often mistake me for her. I usually respond with “I wish” as I disappoint them by explaining that she doesn’t actually travel with the potato. Laura requests a picture of each of our hosts so she can put a face with the voice and often keeps in touch with these people year round.  She always volunteers to take on the least fun jobs – how many superiors do you know that won’t hesitate to jump in an extremely hot and uncomfortable Spuddy Buddy costume, or slum it with the team at the grimmest hotels when all the others are sold out, or be on traffic patrol when everyone else is filming?!

The single most admirable thing about Laura is how she treats everybody and I do mean everybody. I don’t even know if she is aware of this almost super power ability that she has of reading people and making everyone feel included and appreciated.   She never forgets a name and always uses it when giving the most heartfelt thanks for even the most menial favors.

With two tours in the bag and I still feel so lucky that she not only gave me the opportunity to work with her but also for her friendship.

We love you Laura, thank you for all you do and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

XO Kristie



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