The Secret Is OUT!


      Imagine with me if you will that you’re once again a little kid.  Your favorite aunt or uncle just chased you down and is now holding down and has began to tickle you as you fight back your uncontrollable laughter.  You know that urge where even when you see them for the first time you start to giggle and let out that all so familiar smirk.  The warm feeling of happiness knowing that you’re going to leave their company in a much happier mood because of their overly contagious personality.  You may even go as far as entering a state of nostalgia due to the memories created over the years visiting them ever so often.  We were able to experience this warm fuzzy feeling all in a matter of a few hours with people we had never met before in a place we had never been.IMG_20160709_204408

     Yes I’m breaking the number one rule known in Vegas because I feel that I would be cheating you out of some much needed information if I was to keep this a secret.  So, just this once, what happened in Vegas will not stay in Vegas! In fact this secret should be taken to the Broadway Stage in New York! The Tater Team had the opportunity to visit the Smith Center in Vegas to see the opening of Idaho, The Comedy Musical.  A fun filled experience that is guaranteed to leave a smile on your face.  Yes I said guaranteed because I have full confidence in what I just witnessed first hand to be the best play I’ve ever seen!IMG_20160709_220922

     We had the privilege of placing the truck right outside of the Smith Center where it was a great additional piece  of eye candy to the whole production.  The fact that they invited us to come along for the ride made it that much better.  The architecture alone is an eye grabber, and from the inside its absolutely breath taking.  The raised stage looks out to a gradually ascending audience that flares to the very back.  There are 3 levels of balcony seating shaped in a horseshoe that wraps around the entire stage.  The smooth finishes and calm tones of the wood and coloring leave a very relaxed feeling when you enter the room.  I don’t think its possible to have a bad seat in the Smith Center. IMG_20160709_220224  

     The play itself starts out with a bang with an immediate laugh from the crowd.  The plot is of 3 different love stories that share a dynamic that smoothly play their part to bring together the whole story.  It takes place back when Idaho became a state.  Puns and innuendos towards our beloved state’s vegetable are evenly dispersed throughout the entire show.  Now I wouldn’t consider myself an expert play critic, but I will say that I’ve never experienced a show that didn’t contain any lulls in entertainment from the opening act all the way through until the closing of the curtains.  I’ll even admit that it left me wishing there was more to be had at the end of the show!   I will highly recommend this, not just because of my job title, but because this show genuinely knocks it out of the park!IMG_20160709_234657

     To make the opening night even better than ever we finished with an after party full of terrific attire, spectacular lights, theme filled music, and truffle french fries and potato chips as hors d’ouvres.   Potato corsages and boutonnieres were even worn to bring the western chic theme full circle.  Our Potato has never felt more at home than this past weekend when we attended Idaho, The Comedy Musical.  If you’re in Vegas or planning a trip in the near future make it a point to see this once in a lifetime show!
