Now that it’s our 5th year on tour and we just made our way from dying the river green in Chicago all the way down to Los Angeles we’ve definitely put some miles on our rig over the past 4 years on tour. Over 23,000 were accumulated last year alone and we’re still “running” strong. You could almost compare our journey to the famous scene from Forest Gump when he treks all the way across the country and he says, “I just felt like running.” When you compare our journey to a typical training regimen of a marathon runner who puts in on average 35 miles a week we definitely have them beat. I’d like to say we have a pretty good chance to win the Dole Great Race this year.
Spuddy Buddy joined the rest of the Tater Team as we made sure to get to the race with plenty of time to spare. To boost our chances of winning the race we had a nice big breakfast with potatoes included, did some stretching, and warmed up with a light jog. The energy of all the participants was very thrilling and the weather could not be beat!
As the kickoff to the race neared and the 6000 runners took their starting positions, we were ready. We knew way in advance this wasn’t going to be no walk in the park. They even mapped out a couple hills this year for all the runners to tackle on their way to the end. Right before the gun went off we took our position, right at the finish line! Why, you ask? We strategically placed ourselves right at the finish line so we could be ready for all the runners to cross, and enjoy one of the best post workout meals you can have. It’s true! Didn’t you know that a baked potato is classified as a complex carbohydrate, but shares very similar characteristics as a simple carbohydrate when your body digests it? It’s as if you’re getting the best of both worlds. This is especially good right after a strenuous bout of exercise such as a long run. We will count this one as a Win this year! We were so excited to be a part of the Dole Great Race, and hope the runners have all recovered healthier and stronger than ever with their post workout meal!